
Youth Offline Program "Tea Talk"

  • admin
  • 2022-06-28
  • 2654

Industry-University Cooperation Foundation, Gangbuk Youth Startup Maru Youth Offline Program "Tea Talk"

- Reflecting the opinions of local youth and planning customized programs -

- In 2022, Gangbuk Orang, a face-to-face program for young people, "Tea Talk", will be operated 16 times -


Kwangwoon University Industry-University Cooperation Foundation (Director Park Cheolhwan) launched a program called “Tea-talk”. It is run for the “Sangdam-Olang”, a comprehensive counseling project of Gangbuk Orangi (Center Director Kwon Hyejin) - Seoul Youth Center’s branch. The “Tea-talk” will be held up to 16 times.


The program started in May with the first session "Welcome to Gangbuk Orang (Householding in Gangbuk Orang)". The second session "Welcome to Gangbuk Orang (Youth Housing Policy, Youth Public Rental Housing)" was successfully held in June.


Tea Talk is an offline program that is operated twice a month. Its purpose is to form a relationship with the youth support manager, understand the needs of young people, and provide individually tailored information.


Kwon Hyejin, head of the center, who planned and conducted this Tea Talk program, said, “This project has just started, but a lot of young people already actively participate in it. This June session Tea Talk had a lot of young people who are preparing for the future or are facing housing problems. It was a meaningful time to look back on the living environment that young people can choose and the living environment they want.” She said, “I am looking forward to all the future Tea Talk sessions.”


Lastly, Park Cheolhwan, head of the Industry-University Cooperation Group, said, “In 2022, Gangbuk Orang’s Tea Talk will be held under epithets used inside the center such as ‘Leave it’, ‘Get it’, ‘Try it’, and ‘Enjoy it’. After setting a major topic, identifying the interests and desires of young people, and composing the details, we plan to build the distinctiveness of The Gangbuk Orang's Tea Talk through various forms which would include practical sessions, discussions, and lectures.” 


For more information, contact the Seoul Youth Center Gangbuk Orang at 02-908-8230. 



[May Tea Talk]



[June Tea Talk]