
Kim Hee-Gyeo Publishes a New Book The Birth of Chanchaeism

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  • 2022-06-14
  • 3227

Prof. Kim Hee-Gyeo (Division of Northeast Asia Cultural Industries), Publishes a New Book “The Birth of Chanchaeism - China That Everyone Talks Rudely About, China That Nobody Talks About”



book cover



Kwangwoon University Professor Kim Hee-gyo (Division of Northeast Asia Cultural Industries) has published "The Birth of Chanchaeism - China that everyone talks rudely about, China that nobody talks about." This book explores the deepening hatred of China in Korean society.


In this book, the term "changgae*", which appeared in connection with the increase in anti-Chinese sentiment and hatred, became the main basis for identifying China in Korean society. The book sheds light on the cause of the phenomenon in which anti-Chinese sentiment began to emerge in Korean society.


“The Birth of Chanchaeism” explains the time, concept, and historicity of the term changge. It analyzes how "Changeism" is formed and spread in modern Korean society. The author highlights the prejudice and misunderstanding of Chinese discourse that has spread because of hatred and explains why critical Chinese discourse is necessary for Korean society. In addition, he asks Korea what China should be like to help Korea to be united again and transfers the geopolitics of knowledge to Korea rather than China. The author emphasizes that Korea can become a leading player in the era of multilateralism and describes the possibility of a new relationship between Korea and China from the point of view of post-colonialism and the perspective of a peaceful regime.


The book received attention as recommended by former President Moon Jae-in and is ranked as one of the tops recommended books in Kyobo Bookstore.

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 The author, Professor Kim Hee-gyo, graduated from Yonsei University with a degree in history and received a doctorate in Sino-American Relations from Fudan University, China. He is now a professor at the Kwangwoon University, Division of Northeast Asia Cultural Industries.

Prof. Kim Hee-gyo served on the editorial board of and is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Historical Problems. He has studied the effects of Sino-US relations on East Asia and the effects of the growth of Asian people on international relations. Kim Hee-gyo has mainly written critical articles on Korea's perception of China and the post-colonial history of China that has not been talked about in Korea. He is now interested in establishing a peace regime in East Asia.

Among other books written by Kim Hee-gyo book, there are "안녕? 중국!” [Hello? China!] and “나를 찾는 46가지 질문” [46 Questions That Are Looking for Me], a co-authored book “역사 용어 바로 쓰기” [Writing the Historical Terminology Right]. He has also published several books written together in China and Hong Kong. Among translated books there are The search for modern China (2 volumes) and 20th Century Photo Documentary World History 1: The Century of China.


 Information on the book:



* changgae can be translated as chink