
Satisfaction Survey for International Students

  • admin
  • 2022-06-13
  • 2989

Satisfaction Survey for International Students 



Kwangwoon University Office of International Affairs surveys international students about their satisfaction with studies and university life.


The purpose is to improve the educational environment by broadening the understanding of struggles that international students might face and collecting their opinions.


We promise that the information collected through this survey will be used only for statistical processing and will not be disclosed.


We hope you will participate in this survey and answer honestly.  



1. Survey period: 2022.6.1(Mon) 09:00 - 2022.6.27(Mon) 24:00, 2 weeks


2. Who can participate: Kwangwoon University Undergraduate International Students


3. How to participate: Follow the link ->


4. Benefits: 20 students will receive a coffee voucher (by lottery).


5. Additional Information


 A. The results of the survey analysis will be used to improve the educational environment for international students and increase international student enrollment.


 B. Responses are processed anonymously and are used only as reference data for university development.






Head of the Office of International Affairs