
Free Special Korean Language Course

  • admin
  • 2022-05-30
  • 3830


Free Special Korean Language Course for International Students


The Center for Korean Language and Culture offers free special lectures during the summer vacation to improve the Korean language proficiency of international students. We look forward to your participation!


■ General Information


1. Korean Pronunciation and Reading Lectures

 - Period: 2022.6.22(Wed) - 6.23(Thu) 10:00-12:00

- Contents: Accurate pronunciation of consonants and vowels, phonological phenomenon, standard pronunciation vs real pronunciation, a summary of common mistakes in pronunciation, reading practice

- Location: Center for Korean Language and Culture Room #119


2. Korean Grammar Lectures

 - Period: 2022.6.27(Mon) - 7.1(Fri), 10:00-12:00

- Contents: Characteristics of Korean grammar, parts of speech and sentence composition, types of prepositional particles, use of ending of a word, connection and termination of sentences, citation/negation, tense, word spacing

 - Location: Center for Korean Language and Culture Room #119


■ Eligibility: International students currently enrolled at Kwangwoon University 


■ Price: Tuition-free


■ Number of students: 25 students per class on a first-come, first-served basis


■ How to register: 2022.5.16(Mon) - 2022.6.3(Fri) until 5pm, online registration

Registration URL ☞


■ Inquiries: Kwangwoon Center for Korean Language and Culture, ☎ 02-940-5306



Center for Korean Language and Culture
