
Operating a Contract-Type Program for International Students

  • admin
  • 2022-04-28
  • 3271


Operating a Contract-Type Program for International Students in Industry-Academic Cooperation to Grow Together with Local Businesses

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All-Care from admission to employment - the University that international students are looking for.


Through the efforts of organizing various international student projects to ensure a stable study and life, Kwangwoon University has increased the number of international students by 6-7 times compared to 4 years earlier, and currently, it has about 1,000 international students.
Since 2019, Kwangwoon University has been operating the All-Care Program, a brand of support programs for international students, to help international students settle down on campus. It includes major classes and Korean language support programs, career support programs, Oullim program, international student counseling program, and life adjustment support program. Every year, Kwangwoon provides employment consulting and special lectures for foreign students. Through the conclusion of the "Employment Contract-Type Scholarship Industry-Academic Linkage Agreement" with a large domestic company, Kwangwoon University is operating an industry-academic linkage program in which students receive external scholarships from their 3rd-year course and at the same time get a job at the company. From the second semester of this year, regular courses on employment for international students will be opened to help foreign students find employment in Korea and abroad. In the academic unit, a specialized international student management and support system has been established to suit the characteristics of each academic unit by appointing a head professor of foreign students to a department or college where international students are concentrated.


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