
K-MOOC, Selected as a New Course in New Technology and Industry in the Era of Digital Transformation

  • admin
  • 2022-04-19
  • 3902

K-MOOC, Selected as a New Course in New Technology and Industry in the Era of Digital Transformation






Kwangwoon MOOC Center selected four individual lectures in the fields of new companies and new industries and psychology and health for the "2022 Korean online open lectures (K-MOOC) contest" hosted by the Ministry of Education and the National Institute for Lifelong Education. Since the first selection in 2018, it has achieved steady results for five consecutive years.


K-MOOC is a service that publishes excellent lectures from higher education institutions online to meet the growing demand for lifelong education for higher education and to promote innovation in teaching and learning at universities. 5 broadcasters, 49 institutions, and 110 lectures were received in the 2022 public contest, indicating that institutions and professors showed high interest.


The contest is focused on digital-based new technologies and industrial fields such as extended virtual reality, blockchain, quantum information processing, etc. The existing K-MOOC function will be upgraded to provide a variety of services, and future steps are expected with the expansion of popular liberal arts lectures that the whole nation can enjoy and learn.


Since 2018 Kwangwoon University has been proving the excellence of its courses and instructors. From lectures such as "History of Mathematics" to "Humanities and Sociology in the World City of Seoul", seven courses have been selected for five consecutive years. This time, the newly selected course will illuminate in-depth the expanded virtual reality (metaverse), new digital technologies, and the field of culture/art.


As the core content of the four newly selected courses, Professor Donghun Chung's "Metaverse, Become an Expert" in the field of media content development, including data and artificial intelligence. In addition to the “Become an Expert” lecture series, where you can explore new technologies related to the current 4th Industrial Revolution, there will be lectures with in-depth Augmented Reality content.


Professor Ji-won Seon's "Law of the Future Changed by ICT" lecture allows students to acquire the legal knowledge needed to be digital citizens in the intelligent information age that ICT has changed all aspects of life and industry. The content of the lecture explores legal issues and reflects the future problems in each new technology area such as blockchain, data, artificial intelligence, and the metaverse.


Professor Hee-Sang Son's course "New and Renewable Energy Based on New Digital Technologies" teaches the basic knowledge about Energy 4.0 as the 4th Industrial Revolution in the field of energy, as well as highlights the current state of energy and the future in our lives. As a core technology, this course aims to foster experts in the field by explaining renewable energy that is changing based on new digital technologies through the concept of energy collection and storage.


Professor Yunhee Choi and Ranho Yun's "Wise Family Life, Relationship-Based Play" lecture explains desirable parenting and relationship play for a generation of parents who are experiencing conflicts over childcare and education issues due to the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, various new educational methods and teaching plans are being developed to promote understanding of learning, such as 360-degree video and photovoice using VR, and the differentiation from other courses is highlighted.


Hyun-Kyung Kim, head of Kwangwoon MOOC Center, said, "K-MOOC provides everybody equal learning opportunities and enables self-directed learning, cooperative learning at the global level." He also said, "It is significant in that it can provide personalized learning for future learners in preparation for the era of the 4th industrial revolution." He added, "The Kwangwoon MOOC will make every effort to actively expand diverse content and educational opportunities."


The 2022 Korean online open lectures (K-MOOC), selected this year, can be taken from the second half of this year (planned) through the official website (