
Alumni Lee Young (Department of Mathematics, Current Member of the National Assembly) was Nominated

  • admin
  • 2022-04-18
  • 3475

Alumni Lee Young (Department of Mathematics, Current Member of the National Assembly) was Nominated as a Candidate for the Minister of SMEs and Startups






Lee Young (53), a member of the People's Power, nominated as the Minister of SMEs and Startups, is a first-generation female venture entrepreneur in Korea who has run a software venture for 20 years.


At a briefing on the same day, President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol stated why Lee Young was elected, "This candidate has turned a new venture company into a small and medium-sized enterprise, and in the National Assembly, she has been active in the legislative process to foster small and medium-sized venture companies." He also added, "She was the right person to help small and medium-sized ventures take another step forward and grow". Lee Young was on a business trip to the UK, so she was not able to attend the press conference of the transition committee that day.


The candidate Lee Young was born in Seoul. She graduated from the Department of Mathematics at Kwangwoon University and received a master's degree in cryptography and a Ph.D. in mathematical sciences at KAIST University. In 2000, she founded Teruten, an IT security company, where Lee served as the CEO until 2020. From 2015 to 2017, Lee Young was the President of the Korea Venture Business Women’s Association.


Lee Young entered politics when she was elected as the proportional representative of the Future Korean Party (the predecessor of the People's Power) in the 21st general election in 2020. As the only venture company from within the power of the people, it is evaluated for helping small and medium-sized ventures suffering from COVID-19 leap forward and strive to innovate the venture ecosystem. Lee Young also proposed the "Small and Medium Venture Business Spirit Revitalization Package 3 Act (Restriction of Special Taxation Act, Income Tax Act, Revision of Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act)".


▲Seoul ▲Kwangwoon University Department of Mathematics ▲Chairman of Women’s Venture Association ▲Member of National Assembly 


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