
[The JoongAng Ilbo] Innovation in Education, Research, and Industry-University Cooperation. Leading

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  • 2022-04-12
  • 3409

[The JoongAng Ilbo] Innovation in Education, Research, and Industry-University Cooperation. Leading the "Super-Convergence Era"

KW is leading the
Kwangwoon University Campus


Kwangwoon University is preparing a new paradigm focusing on convergence education and research in the era of great digital transformation, led by President JongHeon Kim, who took office earlier this year. Through the Ministry of Education’s University Innovation support project, BK21 Project, Digital Innovation Sharing University Project, and The National Program for Excellence in SW, various innovations are being promoted in the fields of education, research and industry-university cooperation. Beyond convergence, many other efforts are being made to prepare for the era of super-convergence based on intelligence.


Here are some of them:

-  Focus on training convergence AI capabilities

-  Project-based "Chambit Design Semester" & "Vertically Integrated Project (KW-VIP)" etc.

-  Operation of various subjects and other activities to improve SW skills


Based on the article “[대학, 디지털 대전환을 만나다] 교육·연구·산학협력 분야 혁신 ··· ‘초융합 시대’ 이끈다” 

written by SeungSoo Kim from JoongAng Ilbo M&P

Click here to see the full article.