
The 4th Recruitment of KIF Mentor Group Members

  • admin
  • 2022-03-23
  • 3372

The 4th Recruitment of KIF Mentor Group Members


Kwangwoon University is recruiting the 4th international student mentor group KIF to lead cultural exchange with foreign students. Come join us!


1. Our Name: KIF (Kwangwoon International Friends)


2. Activities

a) Planning and management of student events

Ø  Kwangwoon International Student Fellowship Night, International Student Athletic Competition, International Student Workshop, etc.

b) All OIF events related to international students

Ø  Orientation for foreign freshmen, etc.

c) Helping international students with adaptation to university life and responding to complaints


Meetings related to planning and management are held every Monday evening


3. Recruitment eligibility and number of people

Ø  Eligibility: All Kwangwoon students who can participate for over a year

Ø  We need a total of 9 people (3 Korean students, 6 international students)

       Depending on the situation number of people can be changed


4. Duties

a. General: budget management, items for events purchase, etc.

b. Media: promotional material production (posters), SNS management, etc.


5. How to Apply

Ø  How to apply: After downloading the application form (attached form), fill it out and submit it by email (


Ø  Application Period:

1.   Documents Application: March 28 (Mon) - April 4 (Mon), 2022

2.   Interview date: April 6 (Wed) or 7 (Thu), 2022

3.   Interview location and method: Individual notice later

Due to COVID-19, we may conduct an online interview.

4.   Announcement of admitted candidates: April 12, 2022 (Tuesday)


6. Benefits

Ø  Additional points will be given to students who have applied for an overseas exchange program (only for those who participate for more than one year)

Ø  Payment of activity fee during events

Ø  Issuance of a letter of appointment and certificate of participation from the Office of International Affairs


7. Inquiries: Sunae Han, Office of International Affairs Team ( / 02-940-5014~5)



Head of the Office of International Affairs 






