
Re-entry Permit System for Foreign Students

  • admin
  • 2021-12-13
  • 3974

All foreigners who want to re-enter Korea after leaving the country after June 1, 2020 must apply for a re-entry permit at the immigration office 4 days before departure. (If you leave the country without a re-entry permit, your alien registration will be cancelled.)

In addition, when re-entering the country after receiving a re-entry permit, you must have a medical certificate issued by a local medical institution within 2 days before the departure date (excluding holidays).
Students planning to leave the country during vacation should be aware of this. For more information, check the notice on Hi Korea ( or contact the Information Center for Foreigners at 1345. 

○ Application forms related to re-entry permits (Hi Korea): 

재입국허가 및 재입국 시 진단서 제출 관련 안내(영어)