
2021 Fall Final Course Evaluation Notice

  • admin
  • 2021-11-29
  • 3600

2021 Fall Final Course Evaluation Notice

1. Course evaluation can be done with a computer with internet access, regardless of location.


2. Course evaluation period: 2021.12.01(Wed) ~ 12.14(Tue)


3. How to do course evaluation:


University homepage> KLAS> 강의종합정보 > 학습지원실 > 수업평가”


4. The evaluation questions consist of 11 multiple choice questions (student self-assessment, class design, class operation, comprehensive evaluation, optional questions based on class type) and two subjective questions. The importance assessment for each question has been removed since 2020 Spring Semester.


5. Course evaluation must be completed by evaluating both multiple choice and subjective questions.


6. We ask for your sincere and objective evaluation so that your opinions can be actively reflected in the class.


7. Since grades cannot be disclosed during the course evaluation period for objective evaluation, the grade announcement period and objection will be enforced between 2021.12.25 (Sat) and 2021.12.29 (Wed)


8. Please note that if you do not evaluate the class, you will not be able to check the grades online. (Please evaluate the courses after 2021.12.01)


9. The results of the course evaluation are important resources for improving the quality of courses. Course evaluation is guaranteed anonymity, so please make a sincere and objective evaluation. The results of the course evaluation will be published 10 days before and after the next semesters course registration period through KLAS. Please refer to it when you register for courses.