
Chemical Engineering Graduate Students Receives the Best and Excellence Award from KSCT

  • admin
  • 2021-09-28
  • 3493

Graduate Students of Department of Chemical Engineering Receives the Best and Excellence Award from the Korean Society of Clean Technology (KSCT)



Graduate students of the Department of Chemical Engineering received the best and excellence award in the poster field from the Korean Society of Clean Technology.


The Korean Society of Clean Technology was established in 1995 and has been conducting various academic activities every year through spring/autumn academic conferences with award-winning research in the field of clean technology at home and abroad.


The best award was a study on “Evaluation of Environmental Exposure of Nanocarbon Black through Environment Behavior Modeling (Researchers: Son Hyungjin, Kim Younghoon)” to evaluate the exposure of nanocarbon black to the environment in tire wear particles and was conducted as a task of the National Institute of Environmental Research.


The excellence award was awarded to “The research on the synthesis of nano-pigments using gold nanoparticles and the improvement of the thermal performance of paints (Researchers: Kim Jisu, Kim Younghoon)


Professor Kim Younghoon of the Department of Chemical Engineering who led the research said, “Despite the short research period, I am very happy that the students’ research has been recognized in the field of nanomaterial hazard and photothermal nanoparticle applications. I am preparing for a career in research, and I expect that I will do well as I have done so far.”