
2021 Fall Information on Recognition of Inability to Participate in Offline Class (or Exam)

  • admin
  • 2021-09-02
  • 3514

2021 Fall Information on Recognition of Inability to Participate in Offline Class (or Exam)


Prior to the start of fall semester of the 2021 school year, the reasons for non-participation of those who are unable to attend classes (mixed classes including offline classes) due to the risk of COVID-19 infection are guided as follows:


Students should pay special attention to personal protection, such as fever checking and wearing masks. Students who are unable to participate offline classes during the semester due to the following acknowledged reasons should fill out the attached form and submit it according to the designated procedure.


1. Reasons for Recognition of Inability to Participate in Offline Class

Recognizable Reasons of Inability to Participate in Offline Class

Document Submissions (Proof)

 If a student is currently in foreign country and is unable to return to Korea during the class due to policies of the country of residence and lack of flights (e.g., laboratory, practical classes, etc.)

- Documents related to immigration records


Application form


 If a student is in self-quarantine during the class period

- Official document stating self-quarantine period (Submit a family relationship certificate in case of self-quarantine due to family confirmation)

 If a student is unable to attend school due to mental and physical illness recognized by the doctor

- Medical report or doctor’s referral

 If a student fall under the grounds for recognition of attendance of offline class (early employment, condolences, hospital admission, etc)

- Certificate of employment, condolences, hospital admission confirmation documents, etc.

 If a student has symptoms of COVID-19 after attending university (fever, respiratory symptoms, nausea, etc.)

- Health post ‘Self-quarantine Notice’


2. Procedure

A. Student: Submit an application for recognition of inability to participate in offline class and

evidence documents to the teacher in charge by no later than the class date.

B. Faculty: After reviewing the application, individual notification of follow-up measures (information

on how to participate in classes, such as uploading online contents, alternative evaluation methods,

etc.) will be notified to students.


Attachment:  Application Form