
COVID-19 Vaccination for Foreign Residents Aged 18 to 49

  • admin
  • 2021-08-05
  • 3983

COVID-19 Vaccination for Foreign Residents Aged 18 to 49


(DOB: Jan. 1, 1972 ~ Dec. 31, 2003)


1. Foreign Residents with National Health Insurance

* Registration period : 8.9.(Mon) 20:00 ~ 9.18.(Sat) 18:00

- 10-day rotation system : 8.9.(Mon) 20:00 ~ 8.19.(Thu) 18:00

Registration Period

Date of Birth (YYMMDD) End Number

Registration Period

Date of Birth (YYMMDD) End Number

Aug. 9 8PM ~ 10 6PM


Aug. 14 8PM ~ 15 6PM


Aug. 10 8PM ~ 11 6PM


Aug. 15 8PM ~ 16 6PM


Aug. 11 8PM ~ 12 6PM


Aug. 16 8PM ~ 17 6PM


Aug. 12 8PM ~ 13 6PM


Aug. 17 8PM ~ 18 6PM


Aug. 13 8PM ~ 14 6PM


Aug. 18 8PM ~ 19 6PM


- Additional registration and correction : 8.19.(Thu) 20:00 ~ 9.18.(Sat) 18:00

Registration Peiod

Eligibility Age

Aug. 19 8PM ~ 20 6PM

36~49 (72.1.1.~85.12.31. D.O.B)

Aug. 20 8PM ~ 21 6PM

18~35 (86.1.1.~03.12.31. D.O.B

Aug. 21 8PM ~ Sep. 18 6PM

18~49 Additional registration

* Vaccination period : 8.26.(Thu) ~ 9.30.(Thu)

* Vaccine: mRNA (Pfizer or Moderna)

* Vaccination venues: COVID-19 hospitals, vaccination centers, and consigned medical institution of choice (Find the list at KDCA website)

* How to Register: Visit the clinic after registering via website or phone

- (Online) Visit the KDCA website (

Register Book appointment (Self/Other) Enter personal information (ARC registration number) Identity authenticationSelect hospital/center and date Book completed

- (Phone) Contact your local COVID-19 vaccination call center on the KDCA website


2. Foreign Residents without National Health Insurance and Undocumented Residents

* How to Register: Visit a local public health center in your area and get a unique identifier (UID) code issued(must bring passport)

1) Visit local public health center


2) Get unique identifier code


3) Registration open starting Aug. 5


4) Receive SMS text


5) Vaccination starting Aug. 26

Visit your local public health center in your area with passport

Provide your passport number and address of residence to receive a unique identifier code

Set up appointment by calling your local COVID-19 vaccination call center or 1339(24/7)

(Select your desired appointment date, etc.)

Receive appointment details via SMS text

Get vaccinated



Inquiries : KDCA website ( or Phone: Dasan Call Center(02-120)