
Architecture Students Win Top Prize in Modern Urban Architecture Design Contest

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  • 2021-06-23
  • 3550

Architecture Students Win Top Prize in Modern Urban Architecture Design Contest


The 4th grade students from the Department of Architecture won the grand prize for the work 'Pass through the traces' in the '2021 

Modern Urban Architecture Design Contest' jointly hosted by the Modern Urban Architecture Research Association and the Saegunhyup (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) Minister's Award).


The award-winning students were Kim Byeong-su (Senior), Lee Jun-hee (Senior), and Lee Min-hyeok (Senior) from the Department of Architecture, who suggested a new direction for urban regeneration in Ilshin Textile, Jeollanam-do. In particular, through the axis that connects the flow of the city and the resulting 'architectural penetration', it blurs the boundaries of the subject and considers the limitations of traditional urban regeneration along with a plan that blurs the temporal gap by allowing visitors to actively experience the traces of the past. It received good reviews for suggesting the system direction of urban regeneration for new construction sites.


A total of 172 teams participated in this contest, and 100 teams submitted their works and, as a result of screening, 2 grand prizes, 1 special prize, and 3 excellent prizes were announced. Kwangwoon University architecture students received the first prize among them, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Award.


Meanwhile, the award ceremony will be held at Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall at 1 p.m. on June 26 (Sat). The same-day exhibition will also be held to allow visitors to make their works on the spot and review the entire contents of the entries.