
(2021 Spring) Course Grade Announcement Information

  • admin
  • 2021-06-22
  • 3414

2021 Spring Course Grade Processing and Announcement Information



The grades processing and announcement information for 2021 spring semester is as follows:


AFinal examination period: 2021.6.8(Tue)  6.21(Mon)


BGrade input period: 2021.6. 8(Tue)  6.24(Thu)


CGrade announcement and objection period: 2021.6.25(Fri)  6.29(Tue)


DPlease note that you can only check your grade for each course in KLAS from June 22nd (Friday) when the professor in charge of the course enters the grades within the grade input period.

( Students who did not participate in the lecture evaluation are not allowed to check grades in KLAS during the grade announcement and objection period)