
TOPIK-II Fee Refund Information

  • admin
  • 2021-05-26
  • 3507

TOPIK-II Fee Refund Information


1. Target:  Kwangwoon University International Students (Undergraduate and graduate students) who took TOPIK II test in Spring Semester of 2021

    The 73rd (2020.11.14-11.15), 74th (2021.02.07) and 75th (2021.04.10-04.11) TOPIK  Refund-only

    Only scores obtained after admission are accepted.

2. Application period: 2021.05.26(Wed) 10:00  ~  2021.06.11(Fri) 17:00

3. How to apply: Visit Institute of International Education office (Donghae Arts Center #117) and submit the required documents.

4. Required documents

   A. TOPIK Test fee refund application

   B. TOPIK Score report

        (73rd, 74th and 75th TOPIK  can only be refunded)

   C. A bankbook copy in your name

5. Amount of refund: 55,000 won