
2021 Fall Undergraduate Admission Guide for International Students

  • admin
  • 2021-04-07
  • 4879

2021 Fall Undergraduate Admission Guide for International Students


Office of International Affairs provide the following information for the 2021 fall undergraduate admission guide of international students.


1. Qualifications




· Both Applicant and parents must be non-Korean citizens.

· Applicant should not have dual nationality.



Applicant must have completed (expected to complete) 12 years’ primary and secondary education equivalent to Korean primary, middle and high school education, within Korea or overseas

Transfer (2nd year)

· 2nd Year: Graduated from a junior college or completed one or more years of a 4-year regular college

  (Completion of at least 25 credits)

Transfer (3rd year)

· 3rd Year: Graduated from a junior college or completed 2 years or more of a 4-year regular college

  (Completion of at least 60 credits)

Korean Proficiency


Those who have Korean language skills to take undergraduate courses

Transfer (2nd year)

Those who meet one of the following requirements:

·       TOPIK (Korean Proficiency Test) Level 3 or higher

·       Students who have completed level 4 or higher from Kwangwoon Language Institute

·       Those who have completed level 5 or higher at the Korean Language Education Center of another university

Transfer (3rd year)

Those who meet one of the following requirements:

·       TOPIK (Korean Proficiency Test) Level 4 or higher

·       Students who have completed level 5 or higher from Kwangwoon Language Institute

·       Those who have completed level 6 or higher at the Korean Language Education Center of another university



2. Admission schedule 


1st Round

2nd Round


Online application and document submission



Online application (by 18:00 of closing date)

Document submission (by visiting or by post) (Till 19:00 of closing date)

Address : Office of International Affairs, #111,

 Donghae Arts Center, 20

 Kwangwoon-ro, Nowon-gu

 Kwangwoon University (01897)

Admission exam



Korean language exam

Time and location to be announced

Announcement of Final Result



Notice on the homepage after 17:00




Tuition payment: Bank designated by university

Distribution of Admission Letter

From 2021.06.16(Wed) and onwards

From 2021.08.02(Wed) and onwards


Student orientation 

2021 Mid-August

Later announcement of time and place

* The schedule above is subject to change due to circumstances within and outside the university


3. Academic Department 


Academic Department


Electronics and Information Engineering

Electronics Engineering


Electronics and Communications Engineering


 Electronics Convergence Engineering


 Electrical Engineering


Electronic Material Engineering



Information and Control Intelligent System

Software and Convergence

Computer and Information Engineering

Computer Engineering, Information Engineering


System Software, Application Software

Information Convergence

Contents Technology, Date Science


Architectural Engineering


Chemical Engineering


Environmental Engineering


Architecture (5 years)*


Natural Sciences



Electronic & Biological Physics




Humanities and Social Sciences

Korean Language and Literature


English Language and Industry


Media and Communication

Media and Information, Interactive Media Communication, Strategic Communication

Industrial Psychology


Northeast Asian Cultural Industries

Cultural Exchange, Cultural Contents Development

Policy and Law

Public Administration



General Law, International Legal, Science and Technology Law

International Studies

Area Studies


Business Administration

Business Admin

International Trade

Korea-Japan Trade, Korea-China Trade

* Application for the Architecture department (5 years) opens in spring semester (March) only.


4. Documents for submission                                                     






Application form 

 Online application and print (


Self-introduction and learning plan

 Printed after online application


Official authorization for inquiry into enrollment and academic credit

 Printed after online application


Official high school transcript and diploma (or expected date of graduation)

 In case applicant for transfer admission is currently

enrolled in a college, high school diploma to be submitted


Certificate of academic credit for all grades in high school



Community college/university diploma



Certificate of academic credit for all grades in community


Translation (Korean or English language) shall be

submitted mandatorily

Academic achievements and credits during all grades

shall be stated for purpose of acknowledging credits

(application not accepted in case credits are not stated)



Certificate on highest level of education

 Freshmen Admission applicant : Education level

certification on graduating high school

 Transfer Admission applicant : Education level

certification on graduating community college/university

 (In case currently enrolled in college, high school

diploma shall be additionally submitted)


Applicant’s passport


Alien registration card (front, back)

 Mandatory submission in case resident in Korea with

foreigner registration


Certificate of family relationship

 Nationality other than China : birth certificate or

certificate of family relationship

 Chinese Nationality : notarized translation of copy of

family registry, family relationship certificate


Applicant and parent’s identification cards


Original certificate of Bank Statement with balance more

than USD 20,000 (applicant or parent)

 Either of the following

 - Korean bank balance certificate and transaction


 for recent 3 months (as of date of application


 - Overseas bank balance certificate (effective period of

certificate shall expire after admission date)


Certificate of Korean language skills

 Korean Proficiency test (TOPIK) qualification certificate

 Korean course certificate of completion (grades) and

attendance certificate (mandatory submission for D-4 visa



Application fee KRW 120,000

 Payable upon online application (credit card payment

or account transfer)

 ○ : Required, X : Not required, △ : Required only for eligible applicant

 Original copy of all documents shall be submitted as a general rule. Any document and application fee shall not be refunded.

 Any document not in Korean or English language shall be submitted with Korean or English translation, duly notarized

 In addition to the above-mentioned documents to be submitted, any other additional document may be required as necessary

 Regarding certificate evidencing the highest level of education

   - Nationality other than China: Submit a graduation certificate from a government agency in that country, or submit a consular confirmation or foreign educational certificate for the Korean consulate in that country.

   - Chinese nationality

     1) General High School : Submit certificate(English) regarding graduation from institutions below

· CHSI,  86-10-82338424

· CDGDC,  86-10-82379482

          · Seoul Gongja Academy,  82-2-554-2688    

        2) Vocational High School : Choose ① or ② as below

        ① Copy of graduation certificate issued by the school concerned (Province Office of Education Consulate Certification from Consulate of Korea in China are required to confirm)

        ② Copy of graduation certificate issued by the Province Office of Education (Consulate Certification from Consulate of Korea in China is required to confirm)

  * Issuance of certificate takes about 30 days; hence applicants are reminded to apply and prepare in advance.

  * Submitted certificate shall not be returned. Applicants shall prepare any documents required for issuance or amendment of visa separately.


5. Application path


Application step

Application guidelines

General Application

1st step: Document Screening


2nd step: Admission Exam

· Applicant who passes document screening (1st step) can take written exam (2nd step).

· Written exam is to test applicant’s Korean proficiency(TOPIK level 3), and either submission of a certificate of TOPIK level 3 (or higher) or on condition of completion of level 4 course at Kwangwoon Center for Korean Language and Culture will be exempt from written exam

· Applicant who failed the written exam after passing document

screening can be admitted conditionally if he or she wishes

Conditional Application

Document Screening

· Applicant who is conditionally admitted should register Korean language course offered from Kwangwoon Center for Korean Language and Culture. Conditionally admitted student can start undergraduate course from next semester if he or she submits a certificate of TOPIK level 3 or above or completes Level 4 course (middle 2) from Kwangwoon Center for Korean Language and Culture

· Conditionally admitted student cannot change his or her visa to D-2.

· Admission can be cancelled if applicant is unable to stay in Korea legally due to change of visa status or failure to obtain visa extension


6. Selection criteria

  A. General criteria

   - In case of no-show in written examination, applicant will be rejected.

   - Those who are not eligible to apply will be rejected regardless of their grade

  B. Criteria for selection of successful candidates

   - Only those who pass the screening process will receive a written examination and small number of people will be selected

   - Those who passes written examination (including exemptions) among TOPIK scorers, the applicant will be selected on the basis of their written examination score.

   - Those who do not have the ability to perform their studies, will not be selected regardless of the number of applicants.


7. Notes for applicants

A. If the information on the submitted documents is proved to be false or passed through other fraudulent methods, admission is canceled, and if such facts are found after admission, admission may be canceled even while in school.

B. Documents to be submitted are not returned to the applicant, and documents required for visa issuance or change must be prepared by the applicant himself/herself.

C. Applicants are responsible for any disadvantages incurred by the applicants due to incorrect information on the application form.

D. During the screening period stated in the admissions application, the contact information must be always available, and the applicant is responsible for any disadvantages incurred if contact is lost due to incorrect or changed phone number and address.

E. Among the final successful candidates, those who are expected to graduate or who are expected to complete must submit their graduation or completion certificate to the Office of International Affairs by August 6, 2021.


8. Application reception desk operation                          

  A. Location: Donghae Arts Center, Room 114

  B. Time: 09:00~18:00 (Also open at lunchtime)

  C. Caution: Download the attachment file


9. University introduction video

Kwangwoon University Global YouTube Channel (, Vietnamese, Russian, English, Chinese


10. For more information, please check the application guidelines from the attachment or contact Office of International Affairs, Donghae Arts Center., Room 111 (02-940-5014~5)