
Notice of Changes Related to International Students Stay (From March 2021)

  • admin
  • 2021-03-10
  • 4631

Notice of Changes Related to International Students Stay (From March 2021)


Please refer to the following information regarding changes for Kwangwoon University's international students stay.


Visa Type



Extension of stay


· Up to 1 year of stay is granted

· Up to 2 years of stay is granted

· Submission of financial documents

· Students with C credits (2.0) or higher omit submission of financial documents


· Submission of financial documents

· Those with an attendance rate of 70% or more omit the submission of financial documents

Part-time work permit


· Undergraduate 1st~2nd year (Topic level 3 or higher), 3rd~4th year (Topic level 4 or higher) 20 hours allowed on weekdays.

· Master/Doctor Topic level 4 or higher) 30 hours on weekdays

· Students who do not have a Topic are allowed 1/2 range on weekdays(Bachelor-10 hours, Master/Doctor 15 hours)

· No restriction on weekends, holidays, and vacations

· Undergraduate 1st~2nd year  (Topic level 3 or higher), 3rd~4th year (Topic level 4 or higher) 25 hours allowed on weekdays.

· Master/Doctor Topic level 4 or higher) 35 hours on weekdays

· Students who do not have a Topic are allowed 1/2 range on weekdays(Bachelor-10 hours, Master/Doctor 15 hours)

· No restriction on weekends, holidays, and vacations


· Topic Level 2 possession 20 hours per week allowed

· 10 hours per week for those who do not have a topic

· Topic Level 2 possession 25 hours per week allowed 

· 10 hours per week for those who do not have a topic


Notice of extension of stay (Visa extension):

Notice of part-time job permit for International Students: