
2021 Spring Course Registration Information

  • admin
  • 2021-02-03
  • 4243

2021 Spring Course Registration Information



 1. 2021 Spring Course Registration Schedule





Course Registration Period

2/16(Tue) 10:00~16:00

2~4(5) grades course registration

*Please refer to the following schedule for courses by department

2/17(Wed) 10:00~16:00

2/18(Thu) 10:00~16:00

2/19(Fri) 10:00~16:00

Other department courses (including double, minor) registration

2/23(Tue) 10:00~16:00

Freshman and returning students course registration

2/22(Mon)~3/5(Fri) 10:00~16:00

Students who have not applied for a single course or who have returned to school after course registration period (Can apply only one day of the period, excluding freshman course registration day (2.23), weekends and public holiday)

Spring Semester Period

3/2(Tue) Start ~ 6/21(Mon) End

2021 Spring semester will be held every week from Tuesday to Monday of next week

Course Correction Period

3/9(Tue)~3/10(Wed) 10:00~16:00

All students

Course Cancellation


Round 1 cancellation


Round 2 cancellation

3/11(Thu) ~ 3/12(Fri)

Round 2 cancellation applicants’ registration

Course Withdrawal Period

3/13(Sat)~3/26(Fri) 09:00~17:00




2. 2021 Spring Class Operation Method

A. 2021 Class Operation Principles




Course Type



(Design, Project) courses


T1 (Offline)

Course type will be announced in the course registration materials.


Course management methods for all courses offered can be confirmed through the course plan for each subject.


(Theory: Online Practical: Offline)

General theory courses

Mixed (Biweekly Online/Offline) course



T3,B2,R (Online)



 Detailed information on the operation of classes for spring semester of 2021 will be announced separately.

 Materials for class registration for spring semester of 2021 will be uploaded in early February 


B. 2021 Spring Class Operation Method Classification (Same as 2020 fall semester)


Course Type





Classes at University

Virtual Class

Recorded Class





T : Two-way communication class













B : Blended learning









: Recorded video Learning




3. Course Registration Period


A. Course registration period by department: All enrolled students except freshmen.


·         Feb. 16 (Tue) 10:00 ~ 16:00

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Information Engineering (Department of Computer Engineering), Faculty of Software (Department of Computer Software), Faculty of Information Convergence



·         Feb. 17 (Wed) 10:00 ~ 16:00

Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Faculty of Robotics, College of Engineering, College of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Law, Department of Asset Management (Department of Real Estate Law)


·         Feb. 18 (Thu) 10:00 ~ 16:00

Department of Korean Language and Literature, Department of English Industry (English Language and Literature), Department of Industrial Psychology, Faculty of Media Communication (Faculty of Media and Film), Faculty of Northeast Asia Culture and Industry, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of International Studies, Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of International Trade (Faculty of Northeast Asia Department of Trade)



 During the application period of your department, only the major courses of your department and all elective courses can be applied.


 Please note that students on leave of absence who are scheduled to return to school in the spring semester of 2021 can access the course registration program only after the return to school process is completed. (Notice)


     Student in grades 2, 3 and 4 can apply for first year courses during course correction period (3/ 9(Tue)~10(Wed))

[Applicable courses: 광운인되기대학영어대학수학및연습1, 기초수학및연습대학화학대학물리(화학)및실험1, 일반물리(화학)및실험1, 대학생물및실험융합적사고와글쓰기, C프로그래밍, C프로그래밍응용 컴퓨팅사고프로그래밍기초]

- 2nd to 4th graders can register for classes regardless of their division
- First year courses not listed above can be registered on the day of registration of your own department


B. Other department courses (including double, minor) registration periodFeb. 19 (Fri) 10:00 ~ 16:00

 Registration is only available if there are remaining seats after course registration by belonging department students.

 You can also register for your own major or elective courses of there is a remaining seat.

 Students returning back to school or transfer students can also register for courses.


C. Freshmen course registration (Freshmen or 1st grade re-entry students) Feb. 23 (Tue) 10:00 ~ 16:00

 Freshmen can only apply for the courses they belong to in the case of a designated course.

(You can check the course you belong to in the course registration materials)


 D. Feb. 22 (Mon) ~ Mar. 5 (Fri) 10:00 ~ 16:00 Students who have not applied for a single course or who have returned to school after course registration period (Can apply only one day of the period, excluding freshman course registration day (2.23), weekends and public holiday) 


4. Course correction period: Mar. 9 (Tue) ~ Mar. 10 (Wed) 10:00 ~ 16:00

 Engineering students should write a study plan and conduct course counseling with a responsible supervisor. 


5. Announcement of course cancellation

 Round 1 : Feb. 25 (Thu), Students with a cancelled course (1st round) can apply to another course during application correction period.

 Round 2 : Mar. 11 (Thu)Students with a cancelled course (2st round) can apply to another course from March 11 (Thu) ~ 12(Fri)



6. Course withdrawal period: Mar. 13 (Sat) ~ Mar. 26 (Fri) 09:00 ~ 17:00

Students can directly apply at KLAS, and the professor in charge of the course approves/disapproves.

 Note: If the total number of credit for registered courses is less than minimum credit (12 credits) due to course withdrawal, other courses cannot be registered after this so please keep this in mind.

 Students in their last (graduation) semester (8th semester, Department of Architecture 10th semester) whose total credits is less than 12 should withdraw classes through separate procedure.



7. Information on course registration for credit exchange from other universities: Separate notice. (Click here)



8. Other notes when registering for courses  


   A. Course registration credit range

 Until 2016 students: (Minimum)12 credits ~ (Maximum) 21 credits

 From 2017 students: (Minimum)12 credits ~ (Maximum) 19 credits

 Student in their last (graduation) semester (8th semester, Department of Architecture 10th semester) can apply with minimum of credits.

 Students who have completed more than 8 semesters (10 semesters for Department of Architecture) can apply for less than minimum credit (12 credits)

 The maximum number of credits that can be applied is added when applying the credit transfer system (applied until 2016) and the conditional maximum credit application system (applied from 2017). (Refer to the detailed course registration materials) 

   B.  Since the course registration program has changed from the 2020 fall semester, please be sure to read the instructions on how to use the course registration program before registering. (Click here)

     It is recommended that you install a new course registration program before registering to check if it is properly installed. 

  C. As the English conversation subject has been removed from the required elective course since the 2019 school year, the English conversation courses will be excluded from the graduation requirements from February 2019.

       Please note that elective required course from 2020 school year has been changed to “Convergence Thinking and Writing (융합적사고와글쓰기)”


  D. You can log in to the course registration program from 0 o'clock (midnight) on the registration date, and you can search for courses, mark your favorites, and check availability. 


  E. As the curriculum changes in the 2021 school year, there are many courses that have changed, so be sure to check the current course list (to be announced in the future)


F. Points to note when registering for elective courses

           You cannot apply for more than two classes of the same difficulty level in one elective course area.( Only 1 course per difficulty level)

 How to check difficulty level: 5th digit of course number (Eg: 0000-1-1077-01 English speaking  Difficulty level 1)

 For e-learning subjects in Seoul area, you must log in and take classes on the separate website (

 100% online courses of KWU can be taken within KLAS.


   G. From the fall semester of 2018, the system has been changed so that a spare seat does not occur immediately upon registration for popular classes. For more information, please refer to the course registration materials guide. (Introduction of a system in which no seats are immediately generated even if canceled after the seat is full) 


   H. For other matters, please refer to the class registration materials for 2021 spring semester (to be announced in early February)