
[Hot Issue] Prof. Sangmo Koo Successfully Hosts an Internationational Symposium 'SiC 2020'

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  • 2020-12-14
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Prof. Sangmo Koo (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering) Successfully Hosts an International Symposium 'SiC 2020'

The 2020 SiC International Symposium was successfully held at Nurimaru APEC House on Thursday, November 26, 2020, in which Prof. San-Mon Koo (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering) of Kwangwoon university co-chaired with Prof. Shin Hoon-gyu of Pohang University.

The 4th event this year was held with the support of the government, the Ministry of Education, Busan City, Postech-NINY, etc., and was successfully held as a venue to establish a domestic SiC industry-academia-research network and seek to expand the global cooperation and technology development. 

SiC (Silicon Carbide) can reduce energy loss by up to 90% compared to existing Si (Silicone), so it is essential for many high-tech areas including Tesla’s mass-production vehicles, whose fuel efficiency is important. In particular SiC is receiving high attention both at home and abroad as a next-generation semiconductor that plays a role of “brain” in converting, distributing, and managing power systems amid rapid growth in related industries such as electric cars, robots, renewable energy, etc.


At this year’s event, Dr. Tobias Erlbacher (Vice-President of Fraunhofer IISB Research Institute, Germany) along with Professor Jayant Baliga (NCSU, USA), who is the first developer of power semiconductor IGBT devices as world-class scholars and who is said to be one of the eight major contributors in the history of semiconductors with Shockley, Kilby and Moore, discuss the latest overseas technology trends in real time video conference.

In addition, as a domestic industry expert, Dong-jin Kim (Power Device Association, IA Co., Ltd.), Vice President Lee Sang-ki (DB Hitech), Group Manager Se-yeol Oh (SK Siltron), Dong-Soo Kim (Busan TP Power Semiconductor Commercialization Center), CTO Jeong Seong-soo (QRT), CEO Yoon-Hwa Choi (JM Jeco), and more than 120 experts from industry-acdemia-research centers participated offline and online to share the latest trends and strengthen the cooperation network. 


Meanwhile, Professor Sang-Mo Koo, chairman of the 2020 SiC Symposium, operates the High Energy Gap Semiconductor Research Center and is in charge of the semiconductor process division of the ‘Next Generation Power Semiconductor Device Human Resources Development Project’ of the Ministry of Industry, so that Kwangwoon University can play the role of a responsible university. Prof. Koo said, "As the demand for domestic and overseas power semiconductors increases, we expect that the SiC Symposium will continue to contribute to strengthening the overall capabilities and competitiveness of the domestic power semiconductor industry, academia, and research institutes."