
TOPIK-II Fee Refund Information

  • admin
  • 2020-11-17
  • 3326

TOPIK-II Fee Refund Information

1. Target:  Kwangwoon University International Students (Undergraduate and graduate students) who took TOPIK II test in Spring and Fall Semester of 2020

    The 70th (2020.07.12), 72th (2020.10.18) TOPIK  Refund-only

    Only scores obtained after admission are recognized.

2. Application period: 2020.11.13(Mon) 10:00  ~  2020.12.04(Thu) 17:00

3. How to apply: Visit Institute of International Education office (Donghae Arts Center, Room 117) and submit the required documents.

4. Required documents

   A. TOPIK Test fee refund application

   B. TOPIK Score report

        (70th (conducted on 2010.07.12), 72th (conducted on 2020.10.18) TOPIK  can only be refunded)

   C. A bankbook copy in your name

5. Amount of refund: 40,000 Won  
