
Notice Regarding COVID-19 to International Students

  • admin
  • 2020-09-01
  • 3770

Dear Students of Kwangwoon University. 


Kwangwoon University is taking actions everyday to avoid COVID-19 on the campus since there are many confirmed cases around metropolitan area. Seoul City prohibits all the gatherings that includes more than 10 people in Seoul starting from Aug 21. This stage 3 social distancing is serious and we should be careful since our school is close to Sarang Jeil Church where there were many confirmed cases. We should follow actions that Seoul City asks us to do to stay safe from the Pandemic. 


1. As the government’s social distancing policy is in affect, we are being careful and taking stage 3 class operation method during the first two weeks of the second semester. (8/31~9/13) 


2. Kwangwoon University is aware of rising number of the confirmed cases near the campus and focusing on disinfecting and quarantine to avoid any possible danger. Entrance to all the gates and doors that leads to Kwangwoon square will be closed until Aug 30 except for the one at the main gate. Additional entrances will be opened after the 31st. 


3. As mentioned above, library and other school facilities will be closed until Aug 30. During the closure, there will be proper disinfection throughout the campus. 


4. Level 2 mandatory changes for the Seoul, any private or public indoor gatherings involving 50 people or more, or outdoor functions involving 100 people or more are banned. Unauthorized person entering campus or joining activities will be banned as well. Only the events that are authorized by the school may be held followed by strict rules. 


5. Only the school members are allowed in the administrative departments and they must wear masks at all times. 


6. One of the employee who works in the building called (옥의관) ogui building was tested positive on Aug 27 around 2:30pm. Therefore the building will be closed until this Sunday. The building was disinfected immediately. 


7. Starting from Aug 31, the school will do a temperature checks throughout the campus. It is mandatory to wear a mask at all times. 


8. If someone is showing any of the signs, call international office or the school clinic immediately. 

-International office (02-940-5014, 

-School clinic (02-940-5034, 


Thank you.