
Important Announcement regarding Part-time Work of D-2 VISA holders (Part-time job permission)

  • admin
  • 2020-06-16
  • 4381

1. Basic Policy: Students are most likely to simple labor. In other words, the students are not allowed to do labor that involves professionalized skill or field.


2. Qualifiers

  a. Grade: GPA 2.0(C)or above in the previous semester

  b. Language requirements

    1) First- and second-year students: TOPIK level 3 or above

    2) Third- and fourth-year or graduate school students: TOPIK level 4 or above

    3) Ones who have not achieved the language scores, may be time restrictions by 1/2 (Please refer to the 3. Allowed Working Hours).


3. Allowed Working Hour

  a. Undergraduate: 20 hours (during weekdays)

  b. Graduate: 30 hours during weekdays

  c. There are no time restrictions during weekends, holidays or vacations.

  d. D-2 visa holders are able to work up 2 places a year.



4. Restriction for type of Field of Jobs: Manufacturing business and construction industry


5. Penalties for Policy Violation

  a. 1st time violation: Ones will be restricted in part-time job for a year.

  b. 2nd time violation: Ones will lose their privilege of studying in Korea. (Deportation)

  ※ In case of construction industry, violators are deported regardless of the number of violation.



6. Application Methods

  a. Prepare for application documents

  - Passport, Alien Registration Card, Application Form, Part-time Work of Foreign Student Confirmation (Form), Transcript, TOPIK Certificate

   - Copy of Business Registration

   - Copy of Labor contract (stating the hourly wage, hours of duty, and job duties)

  b. Filling out applicant and the expected place of employment part → Confirmed by employer (official seal or signature) → Confirmed by the staff of  Office of International Affairs

  c. Visit the immigration office or E-application on Hi-Korea website (



7. Note

  a. D-2 VISA holders must get permission from the immigration office before start part-time job

  b. Change of Work place: Must report within 15 days of the change

  c. Exception: Assistant or scholar in their college (not necessary to get permission)


Attached: Part-time Work of Foreign Student Confirmation Form