
Long-term Parked Bicycle Disposal Announcement

  • admin
  • 2020-05-19
  • 4847

In order to create a pleasant educational environment on our campus, we are announcing the disposal of long-term illegally parked bicycle as follows, so the owners of the bicycles are advised to move or collect them within the designated date.


1. Related: Article 20 of the Bicycle Utilization Act (prohibition of illegally leaving bicycles) and Article 11 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act (disposal of illegally parked bicycles)


2. Bicycles subject to disposal



No. of Bicycles Subject to Disposal


Long-term Parked Bicycles

Bicycle parking station behind Hwado building


See attachment

Bicycle parking station in front of Ogui building



3. Disposal grace period

   - 2020/5/15 ~ 24 (10 days)

4. Disposal procedures

    A. Announcement of disposal through homepage notice board

    B. Collection of neglected bicycles after grace period

    C. Batch disposal after additional storage for 5 days


5. Inquiries: Kwangwoon University Facility Management Team (02-940-5052)


Attachment: Pictures of bicycles subject to disposal